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다각화된_임팩트_투자와_협력의_길_(AVPN)유튜브 텍스트 추출

2024-12-29 21:58

네이버 크로바노트로 변환

참석자 1 00:10
This is Karm, the manager of APN and I am moderating the session titled Diversifying Impact Investment and Pathway for Collaboration.
It is a pleasure to meet every one of you.
Before we begin the session, we'll start with a congratulatory address from the AVPN representative Mr.
Jong Hyun RI. Please

참석자 2 00:35
this is Jung Hyun Hee, a representative director of Wavpank Korea as a global efforts to create expanded social value.
So the impact investment continue.
Today's session has been organized to deepen our understanding of the laws of key stakeholders and explore pathways for collaboration.
We are privileged to have Paul Distinguishes speaks, who will show successful cases of impacting, vesting and collaboration from their respective fields.

참석자 2 01:11
We hope today's session provides you with a favorable insight and inspiration.
Thank you.

참석자 1 01:27
Thank you Mr Jong Hyun RI.
The first presentation will be presented by Vica Sarora Chefov Impact Investing at Apn.
Please join me in giving a warm round of applause for our next speaker.

참석자 3 02:00
Good evening Firstly, a very warm welcome to each one of you to attend.
Take time out to really attend this session on impact investing.
What this session hopefully will achieve for you is to give you a better understanding of impact investing as a means of investment for social good, for environmental good and will hopefully also induce you into considering this form of investment as you look at finance and as you look at investments in the future.
It's a pleasure for me to be here at the

참석자 3 02:40
Korea Social Value Investor.
It's a real honor to come and talk about impact investing.
I'm not sure whether many of you know about AVPN and I'm going to spend some time to not only talk about impact investing but also give you an update about Avpn, which is a social funders network, the largest in Asia based out of Singapore and a strong presence here in Korea as well.
But let's look at impact investing as a whole.

참석자 3 03:16
I think there are two characteristics to really define what impact investing actually is.
Number one, intentionality when you make an investment with the pure intention to create social good, that is impact investing and of course, financial returns are equally important.
So when you do impact investing, it does not mean that you're compromising on financial return but you continue to make a financial return.
So the two characteristics of impact investing, intentionality

참석자 3 04:04
and financial return. I want to first clear that so that everyone is very clear about the concept of impact investing.
Now why is impact investing so critical for us in Asia?
If you look at the left hand side of the slide, you will see that for Asia to meet its SDG goals, that is the sustainable development goals by the year 2030, we are nowhere near the targets.
And the reason is because we need additional investments to the tune of 1.5 trillion US dollars

참석자 3 04:51
on an annual basis for us to really meet the 17 SDG goals as set by the United Nations that's a lot of funding.
And where is this funding going to come from?
We need different pools of capital all working together if we have any chance of meeting these objectives.
So the different pools of capital, as you know, one is philanthropy and grant making that on its own certainly will not help us

참석자 3 05:26
achieve this target. And the second is government funding.
I think we all should appreciate that we can't expect the government to solve every problem.
And the third pool of capital which is very critical is the private pool of capital and the private pool of capital, which is the private equity funds, the venture capital funds, bank investments, financial institutional investments.
We have to bring all the three pools of capital together.

참석자 3 06:03
And you will also appreciate if you have some understanding of the financial world that all these pools of capital have a very different orientation not just to risk but also to return.
So how do you bring different pools of capital which have different objectives?
How do you bring them together?
And that's exactly where a platform, an ecosystem builder like APN actually comes in.
So I have articulated on the left hand side the challenge we in Asia are facing in terms of meeting our SDG gaps.

참석자 3 06:44
But on the right hand side, what I have tried to articulate is that Asia is really one of the fastest growing continents economically globally.
There are many countries in Asia which are growing at five to 7 percent GDP growth.
And really Asia is considered to be leading the world amongst every continent in terms of economic development.
So the potential for funding to come into Asia is absolutely there

참석자 3 07:19
and also the potential to make a financial return is also available in Asia.
So if you look at it, we do need funding.
We do need different pools of capital to come in.
There are opportunities available for these pools of capital to make a return but we need to work with the ecosystem.
We need to work with the different partners and players to induce them to allocate capital to impact.
And that's what AVPN hopes to achieve through the impact investing team.

참석자 3 07:58
This slide is actually very critical because this really articulates the different organizations.
If you look at the colorful circles down below, they are different organizations moving from the left which is more impact focused, moving to the right which is more profit focused.
So we've tried to articulate that organizations will fall into different categories.
On the extreme left is a not for profit organization and on the extreme right

참석자 3 08:39
is a for profit organization.
It's very critical for us to work with each one of these to really ensure that all of them are pulling in the same direction to allocate capital to impact.
This is the AVPN network.
Like I said, we are a funders network.
We are 13 years old we are registered out of Singapore as a not for profit organization.
We have 600 over members so we are a members' network and our 600 plus members come from over 30 countries around the world all of them

참석자 3 09:19
focused on making impact in Asia.
We also have on a deal share platform, over 400 opportunities which funders can have access to in terms of allocating the capital for impact.
So we are a fund's network, the largest in Asia 600 over members from 30 countries all focused towards making an impact in Asia.
This is again a very important slide because like we say, we cover the entire continuum of capital.

참석자 3 09:55
I explained that capital can be of different forms, can be grant making, can be private capital and so we have members representing each pool of capital.
So very important slide and let me look at the work that we do.
We do convenings, we do connections We do a podcast series talking about impact investing We do webinars talking about impact investing.
So we are really here to build the ecosystem on impact investing.
I think my time is up. I've probably overrun my time.

참석자 3 10:32
It's a very passionate and interesting topic.
I could have gone on forever but let me take a pause and really thank you for taking the time to listening to us.
Thank you.

참석자 1 10:47
Thank you Vickas. Next we will have a presentation from Mr.
Lee Seung HWA partner at Simsan Ventures.

참석자 4 11:10
Hello everyone my English name is Lancholi from Simpson Ventures.
Today I just prepared a presentation about the European investment market especially focusing on the impact investment and the I also briefly discussed about the case study of the startup between the UK and India American.
So to give you a bit of the background of the Simsung Ventures Simpsung Ventures is a London based venture CETA fund.

참석자 4 11:41
As you can see, we have three different partners and our fund is focusing on what we describe ourselves as a diversity fund which means not only we are looking for the financial return we are trying to find the diversified background founder.
So let's say a female founder or a youth founder or different religion or this kind of thing.
That's why we call it ourselves as a diversity fund.

참석자 4 12:09
And now we also have incorporated Simsun.
Simsung Innovation is a Seoul based global acceleration.
So what we want to achieve is like connecting the European ecosystem in the Apecric ecosystem.
So today I just want to briefly explain about the European venture capital investment trend actually in Europe, especially in London historically fin Tech industry was fin Tech industry was really booming

참석자 4 12:41
but recently a little bit of change has been happening which is more and more investors are trying to invest in the deep Tech sector.
So as you can see left side of the graph, most of the funding going to the deep Tech sector and the second like energy, health, transportation, this kind of thing and the FinTech is just the 5th on the 5th places.
This is the major change from the, this is a major change and one of the,

참석자 4 13:11
the key point about this change is as you can see on the right side of the graph interesting you can see the interesting thing I mean the 2019 and 2020 impact investments it's increasing in America, North America but after the 2021 and 2022 it decreased significantly.
It is usually because of the, as you guys all know, micro interests increase this kind of factor.
But very interesting thing is in Europe even though this kind of macro interest increase,

참석자 4 13:50
impact investment is still growing slowly and slowly.
So I can see the huge, the potential of the impact investment in the European market and the APEC market.
And I personally think this impact investment it can be the medium or a bridge between the European market and APEC market especially climate Tech and the DIP Tech sector.
And I also prepared just one case study of the Simsung Bench portfolio which is Crowd Invest.
This is a startup based in the UK and India market both.
This is about the

참석자 4 14:30
I'm moving capital from the developed market to the untapped emerging market.
So basically what the Crowd Invest is trying to do is Western investor, UK investor or European investor investing into the APEC market.
For now they, they have a system between the UK and the India market but now they are trying to make a system between UK and South Korea as well and the UK and the UK market as well.

참석자 4 14:57
So this is also blockchain based FinTech startup and they are trying to decentralize the private equity market investment market.
And they are only going to onboard on their platform about the impact startup.
And this is a little bit more information about the crowding best as you can see using the platform, let's say investor in the UK they can make an investment in the Indian market or Asian market without going there with the technology of the

참석자 4 15:34
technology of the blockchain.
So what I want to emphasize on this case study is like more and more European startups sorry more and more European investors, especially UK investors want to make investment in the APEC region.
So that's why I like, I said this IMPEC investment side can be the bridge between the Europe and APEC market.
Thank you.

참석자 1 16:06
Thank you Aancho. Next we will have a presentation by Masaki Kawai, the CEO of Euneri and Impact Shift.
Please give a warm round of applause for our next speaker.

참석자 5 16:39
Yes hello everyone I'm Masa Kawai, CEO of Junetic in Copolage on Impact Shift Initiative.
So today I would like to explain the impact investment market in Japan.
So on this month's, I launched a VC and becoming the youngest impact investor in Japan.
Yes so since we country have been worked on fundraising.
So I'm also looking forward to seeing many entrepreneurs and the investors here at Sobak.
Yeah so first of all, let me start by introduction myself.

참석자 5 17:14
So my theme is social Entrepreneurs, startups and impact investment.
So I have worked at Etik which has the longest history in inovation in Japan and see which has the longest history in impact investment in Japan.
So I am the only person in the world who has worked at both of those organizations.
So and last month I was awarded for start and study in Japan.
Yes oh sorry. Oh okay

참석자 5 17:49
yeah so next so let me introduce our company.
So I founded UNALI in Complete in 2020.
So our service is Innovation and Investment Cocreation government.
So we especially focused on incubating and investing in C stage startups and non profit organizations.
So Impact Shift is the largest conference in Japan.
The same is allowed impact for example, they companies and non profit organizations.
So philanthrophy on impact investment for startups.
And so look at this child.

참석자 5 18:27
So currently the impact investment market in Japan is rapidly expanding.
So according to a report by GSG Impact Japan, the market size lated the market sizulated 11 trillion yen in 2023.
So now the government, privacy traded company and institutional investors are beginning to to take on interest in impact investment.
Yes. So I think Japan is in a period of significant transformation.
At the same time I am confident that Japan can become a leading country in innovation in this field.

참석자 5 19:13
Yes. So for example, the public sector, especially Zameti Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has launched a startup selection program called by Jstartup Impact.
So as a lid out the traditional buyers in the venture capital world.
So questioning whether social issues can be profitable is beginning to change.
So in the private sector, the Impact Startup Association has created a learning platform for social entrepreneurs to join.

참석자 5 19:49
So Impact Sift, which I found it is also a symbol of this movement.
So our goal is to create the most neutral platform where all industry stakeholders come together atmately making it a top global conference.
Yes. So finally, I would like to profer an idea for collaboration.
So I would love to establish partnerships within East Asia for instance, Harvard Co hosting a joint session at the Impact SF which will be held in Tokyo in March next year.

참석자 5 20:27
So Japan offers great food, safety and a variety of entertainment.
So I hope you will come visit.
So I hope you will come visit us.
So thank you for listening.
So come sign me down.

참석자 1 20:55
Thank you. Finally, we'll have a presentation from Mr.
Chung Ho YOON, CFO of World Vision Korea.
Please give a warm welcome to our next speaker.

참석자 6 21:17
Okay hi nice to meet you know, it's a little bit embarrassing because you know, I have to deliver in English right now as a, to Korean anyway, it's a really honor to be here because I want to share our brilliant experience of working together with the social venture, enterprise and non profit area.
So I don't know if it's clear or not anyways.
So I will explain what we are doing right now.
To be honest, it seems

참석자 6 21:52
true early to name it blended finance or impact investment right now however, I think we need a particular capital structure is necessary for international NGOs or social ventures to collaborate creating a sustainable economic structure based on local communities.
I think neither the market nor aid alone can solve the world's complex and diverse social problems.
So therefore I think cooperation is absolutely necessary.

참석자 6 22:26
I want to say in here that we need to think about the new collaboration and collective impact.
You know, as you know, it's for the last 70 years the World Vision is really focusing on the poor community and to tackle poverty.
And it has been involved in social welfare in Korea and has worked as the two top experts in relief and development cooperation in the international community.
And in the meantime as new agenda such as in climate change and sustainability

참석자 6 23:05
have recently emerged. So I think it is time for a real world vision which is worked closely with the field to consider a new business Model.
So I would like to say impact fund.
The purpose of this fund is not to find a sustainable project or business Model but to support and invest in finding solutions designed around the local community needs for income generation, economic development and job creation.
So we want to create a huge catalytic capital as the World Visioned

참석자 6 23:45
they originate with what we are doing right now.
So as you can see the left side, we will answer how we work with the World Region Partnership globally which is field office in the rural side and the right side will collaborate with external specialists to find impact oriented ventures or enterprise solutions.
So in this regard, we just recently found the World Vision, just found community project with the Worlds in Vietnam.

참석자 6 24:25
At the same time with the Impact investment firm, we discovered social ventures with business models or solutions.
They are considered these of World Vision fields in terms of a community based.
So we are discovering three companies and planning a collaboration with the field.
So I want to share the three cases right now.
It's the first one you can see this one is we can say GGTD Green Global Technology Development

참석자 6 24:58
and they produced and recycled eco friendly fertilizers using water and coffee hosks discarded during the coffee processing stage contributes to producing high quality coffee and helps increase farmers' income.
So through this cooperation, we not only helped to increase coffee farmers' income, but also visited nearby Bambuhut farms to discuss a corporative operation structure that would utilize the GGTD's entrepreneurial sprit

참석자 6 25:33
and marketing capabilities to increase the production of all farmers in the local community.
And second case is we can say is the Banto this Companied directly transfers beekeeping techniques to the community sites it produces and packages high quality honey with the sanitation facilities on site 6 sales channels and is looking to grow the company with the community.
This is important work with the community and grow up together with the community.

참석자 6 26:12
So we are looking forward to expand the beekeeping farms in the world Vietnam business society.
The company's know how will be transferred to the community and the desire for the community to become economically sustainable will help strengthen cooperation.
Last case is Corona, which provides a standard for the beekeeping business Model within the community offers initial operation setup and capacity training to enable high quality honey production.

참석자 6 26:49
the company directly purchases, sells, develops and markets additional products for all honey produced.
And also in the cooperation with the local government, it is also being sought now.
So in short

참석자 6 27:11
yeah, in short, we found the possibility that the solutions and entrepreneurship of impact startups or enterprises can stimulate the participation of community residents, improve economic self sufficiency and create opportunities for new business creation I hope so.
So maybe if I have any chance to opportunity to share our experience end of this year or beginning of next year, I will share that there's something great and there's something happening

참석자 6 27:45
with the community and work with our social ventures.
Thank you.

참석자 1 28:00
We will now proceed with the panel discussion.
Please welcome to the stage Mr.
Park Jeong Ho, the chef's sustainability officer at Misk, NY Social Company, who will serve as a moderator along with the full distinguished speaker.

참석자 7 28:16
Hello everyone, welcome to the panel session today.
Yeah I'm John Ho from Misk and I'm very excited to be here with such distincted speakers and panelists.
We have I have a lot to cover, but we have only 20 minutes.
So let's get started. First one first question is for Vicas.
Now we see a lot of impact investing cases in Asia.
So comparing with the EU or United States, do we the Asian impact investors have unique characteristics or other things?

참석자 3 29:07
Thank you. Thanks for that question.
I think it's a very complex question but let me take an attempt in simplifying it and answering it in a particular manner.
So it is very unique here in Asia.
As you know, Asia is a very diverse continent and we have a wide spectrum of economies in Asia you have really frontier markets where obviously risk is relatively higher

참석자 3 29:39
and you also have very developed markets like Korea, Japan and you have big economies like China and India.
So there is a huge diversity across Asia Pacific.
Also, Asia Pacific is home to many different cultures, many different cultural nuances in every location.
And therefore in my opinion, impact investing has to really serve the local community.
And therefore

참석자 3 30:08
the proposition of the impact investing community is very unique compared to the US and Europe.
And maybe just one theme that I'd like to place on record at the minute is Asia accounts for 42 percent of global wealth.
That's a huge amount of wealth residing in Asia which is owned by private individuals.
What we are seeing at the minute in Asia is a transfer of ownership of this wealth.
So it's the ownership of the wealth is transferring from the people who created the wealth,

참석자 3 30:45
the entrepreneurs in our part of the world who created the wealth themselves and it's now moving to their children to the next generation who are probably younger are educated in a different, you know, a way they have a different orientation as to how they want to create impact.
And therefore the role of impact investing to cater to this changing ownership is very critical.
And I think that's again something unique about Asia.

참석자 7 31:17
I'd rather ask about more on Lancho because he invested to South Korea and India not only the London teams.
So Rancho could you explain or what did you see with the teams during investment in South Korea and in England and in India what is common and what is different aspects when you do some investment and actual investment?

참석자 4 31:54
I thank you for the question.
I just want to I'll focus more on the fundraising side when startups trying to pitch to the investor I can see the definite difference between the Western and the APEC reason.
I think this is because of the different way of thinking.
But let's say the UK or European or a USA investor they just want to get the information more straight away.
So and, but compared to the Western market, Korea or especially East Asia

참석자 4 32:27
even when we have a discussion or conversation we try to say reason first and then conclusion later.
But the Western investor or Western people are trying to say conclusion first and then reason later.
This is a totally different way of thinking, different way of discussing different ways of speaking because of the a big difference usually even when we go to the demo or when I go to the pitching meeting where this kind of conversation is totally different

참석자 7 33:01
different side of some investors.
And I want to hear more about the Mckis.
What we saw in the slide is that Japan is very promising and doing more things in investment areas.
So could you tell us more cases of you did in Japan how did you decide the investment in the prospective impact?
So and if the other investment is ongoing, then you can tell about the cases when you're in sleep

참석자 5 33:48
okay so thank you questions in Japan.
So there are so many diversity cases.
So my favorite example is Lib, Libki Glob and this is a social venture Globe company so that support single mothers.
Yeah so the theme is affordable housing from Japan to the world.
So this point is the tradinger.
So this tradinger means family business and non profit organization and social venture companies.

참석자 5 34:20
Yes. So I found it interesting that they lazed funds through Pibate bonds on equity on the debt on the donations.
Yeah. So total

참석자 7 34:36
then could you tell me more on how you decide on the way of how you see the impact it means that if you have any specific points other a port of hoging teams has impact.
But this team is what is the special points you decide to invest?

참석자 5 35:03
Venture capital is about so 10 years.
So this liquidity is a good point.
So private bond is so long about 20 years.
Yeah about so yeah so deep social issues is not solved so easily.
Yeah so

참석자 7 35:31
okay we can talk more on this and because Miss CA is an investee in Jakarta who cares affordable housings.
So actually our next question is for Hoyn and I love Orange Puzzle very much.
I love it. I'm a fan of Orange Puzzle and it's, it was very impressive because I know World Vision is very big and old traditional international NGOs but there are already some changes inside.
So did you face any challenges in collaborating with other stakeholders during this kind of

참석자 6 36:17
yes of course lots of challenges there you know, just before that I have to explain what is the Orange Puzzle you know yeah so it's a kind of collective impact platform in between international NGO such as World Vision and social ventures or enterprises.
So maybe if we can work together it's going to happen something in the near future.
So that's what I'm saying.
So I would like to create some kind of a new platform which is Orange PODGL which is trying to do our pilot project

참석자 6 36:59
in terms of app right now.
So it's a kind of collaboration platform but it's so much challenges there because in the World Vision it's just still focusing on charity things and we cannot change it easily and shortly.
So my time, I mean almost over 90 percent of my time to discuss with my senior team and persuade them we have to change our business Model right now it's not so much sustainable at this moment with the

참석자 6 37:37
OR with other donations or grants or something.
So we have to seek other funds or seek other solutions with our stakeholders outside.
So that's why I'm trying to our experience in Vietnam and also in Korea as well.
We can say whole project is the Orange Party right now.
So Orange means the World Vision it's the same color and Podgle is a collaboration means.
So that's the RAN puzzle.
And through the Inveteran experience, I found a very special things social venture founder or entrepreneur

참석자 6 38:19
should prioritize community development, cooperation and coexistence with the local residents.
That's the key point. That's what I'm finding out the key insight in this experience and we all knew about if you want to establish a company with impact at the top priority and, and run a business but your financial return is a little bit slow, it will be very challenging to attract our new investment for your company.
So there's no patient capital for a long time even the impact investment

참석자 6 39:06
I believe this one. So that's why what I'm doing right now is we need initial stage we need just AD a seed fund.
It is very similar with the granting from the World Vision or International enger things.
And then we can create some new ecosystem with a mixed fund.
I can say it's a blended finance something and then maybe in the near future maybe two or three's later and then we can invite, you know, it's impact investor or institutional investor or other or venture capital or something.

참석자 6 39:47
So that's what I'm saying is that we need to change first our ecosystem first and then we can invite many players in this world.
I know there's a lot of impact oriented players there.
So that's why I'm usually beat with like FPN or impact investor or just social venture players.
They're always saying about me your idea just looks like I mean, they said it's not exactly blended finance they said sometimes it's not exactly impact investment.

참석자 6 40:28
You are still in Charity of Panthy Philanthrophy area still there.
I know I agree with you but we need from philanthrophy area and then go to the, the next level with you.
So that's why I suggest to you why don't we be our funding patterns and then we can create something new catality capital or new capital structure and then we can do something with our community people and social ventures as well.

참석자 6 40:59
So that's what I'm saying is change the world.
So yeah, it's too much challenge but I'm keep doing right now.

참석자 7 41:07
Okay please you could walk the talk.
And I have a question for Ho YOON you told about two or three years later but what is your plan of next year?

참석자 6 41:21
Next years I will keep monitoring our initial project and pilot projects.
I will get a little bit more reference.
What I'm doing is the correct analysing and then there's nothing special I'm doing right now to meet Ifian impact investor or some global foundations and then maybe next year same time I'm still meeting them and then persuade them.
And why don't you be our new partner as a funding partner or as a partner of changing the world something

참석자 7 42:02
thank you. MSK is also doing some blended finance projects in Jakarta with Koika grant.
But the Orange Puzzy is very unique because they have their own perspectives on their pilot programs.
So I want to see more next year.

참석자 7 42:28
Do you have any comments?
Here are some founders or entrepreneurs who wants to go to Europe or India so what is your advice for them

참석자 4 42:41
recently? I mean I get similar CS a lot especially in South Korea because I think one of the reasons is like the ecosystems trying to more globalized this kind of thing but people always think about the culture when they're discussing about the globalation.
Of course, culture is an important strategy important this kind of thing.
But now I have my own answer which is you need to focus more on the

참석자 4 43:07
WHO more than what and how because even Samsung ventures entered the South Korean market and the reason we are being successful.
Yeah anyway, it's because we met the right partner right people this kind of thing.
So when you enter the other market, whether it's the European market, Indian market, American market, a more important thing is focusing on who you met, not the what to do or how to do.

참석자 7 43:34
Thank you. And almost the same question to MCK Tokyo and Osaka is also good for Korean startups.
Nowadays many Korean startups going to Tokyo, CIC and other competitions IRS or Sishi Teek.
So could you do some advice for the founders who wants to go to Japan and especially for the purpose of impact.
So how do you introduce the team?
How you get into Japan market or Japan impact ecosystems

참석자 7 44:28
you need more things. And UNERI has very excellent manager who can speak Korean very flontly.
So it is the answer. But if you can add more things, what would be how about the NPOM Foundation?
We are talking with about the Bland finance we met NAPOM Foundation and SIA is also under the NAPOM Foundation.

참석자 5 45:08
Impact investment is so equity but in Japan so there is not a UN catalistic capital or a blended finance or patient capital.
Yeah so I think patient capital, patient capital fund is not in Japan.
So I think this is bad point.
But so Japanese market site is rapidly expanding for example, in

참석자 5 45:50
SO glose. So Japan market is I think so bad fit.

참석자 7 45:55
great. When I was in Tokyo in July, we didn't expect that kind of ecosystem is growing very fast.
So if you are interested in the social issues very common with Korea, you can see many opportunities and just go and see the UNNERI and the Masato.
And maybe for the finalists the last question because we have only extra five minutes last one is for the, because every word you said reminds me about the summit of ABPN this year in Abu Dhabi.
So one Asia, one future. So how can we

참석자 7 46:45
get together and move forward collectively with many languages, many cultures but we are strong in one Asia so could you tell us more things?

참석자 3 47:01
Sure actually the short answer is become a member of APN but let me elaborate a bit right so I think in my opinion and I've been in banking for 34 years before I moved into the impact ecosystem.
So I've seen the commercial side of banking and now I'm seeing a very different orientation to finance and investing.
To me I'm a firm believer that we really have to think about how we make our investments

참석자 3 47:37
whether you're doing it for your own fund, whether you're doing it as an asset allocator or as an asset owner or in your own personal capacity.
Please always think about what impact is my investment actually making Of course, we are all focused on returns please focus on returns but at the same time think about where is my investment going?
Is it really making an impact in someone's life or is it really harming the environment?

참석자 3 48:13
So please very consciously think about that.
And if you think about it in your own personal capacity, I'm sure even at your workplace it will have some positive impact.
So I think we as Avpn, we are very focused on building the impact ecosystem.
Many of you must have heard about impact investing.
Many of you may have heard about ESG investing and you must be wondering,

참석자 3 48:41
hey, what is the difference between ESG investing?
What's the difference between impact investing?
And there are so many definitions and jargon that we throw around.
So one of the roles that we at APN want to play is we really want to demystify the area of impact investing.
We want to lead the narrative of impact investing.
So we do want to have gatherings like this.
We do want to have round tables.

참석자 3 49:10
May we share information?
May we bring practitioners from other parts of the world to come here to Korea or to go to other markets to really exchange ideas?
So one of the things for us is really to spread the word about impact investing.
So that's one and the second like I mentioned before and it was very clearly highlighted here as well that there are different pools of capital.
Each pool of capital has a different orientation.
If you tell a commercial investor,

참석자 3 49:44
why don't you invest in this coffee plantation in Cambodia?
Hey, that's not going to happen because not many people will be comfortable taking Cambodian country risk.
They don't know the legal system in that jurisdiction.
Who is going to make that investment that investment is probably going to come from an international NGO or it's going to come from a philanthropy or it's going to come from a family office.
So we have to really look at these different pools of capital and try and see

참석자 3 50:22
how we can make them work together.
It's not easy. We all talk about blended finance but we have not been able to commercialize blended finance because it is very difficult to execute.
So we have to come to a position in the future where we can really make blended finance you know, a regular thing.
And the third point I'd like to make is around impact measurement and management.
Like I said, impact investing is all about intentionality.

참석자 3 50:55
Are you intentionally making an investment for social or environmental good?
If you are, then the impact should be quantifiable, should be measurable and should be verifiable.
That is very important because I may say that I'm impacting a 100,000 lives, but am I able to demonstrate that?
Can somebody verify it? So third party verification is important and I believe going forward IMM is really going to play an important part

참석자 3 51:32
not just for LPs that is limited partners who make investments not just for GPs, general partners who invest on behalf of the LPs, but also for the impact organizations at the ground level it is going to be very important for them to really be able to articulate the impact they're making all this.
It needs education, it needs time effort, it needs it systems it needs data.
The more data you have, the better your decision making.
So it's a long process

참석자 3 52:07
but I think we as an industry and as human beings, we have to really focus on how we can make a better world socially and environmentally and leave a better world for our children and future generations.
Thank you.
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